Communication with Parents
GEMS thus provides a variety of parent programmes aimed at enhancing the relationship between parents, children and the school.
At The Winchester School we engage parents in their children’s learning. We give out Welcome Packs to every parent outlining how they can help with their child’s learning as well as general information regarding what their child will be doing through the year.
Parent Orientation Evenings are held for every year group at the beginning of the year to explain the way we will be teaching and how we would like to engage our parents .
A Parent Representative group is in place. We meet once a month and are always on the lookout for more parents to join our group and think of ways in which we can engage in our the children’s learning.
Family Learning Newsletters ( FLN ) are sent every month to all the parents with children in Foundation Stage 1 to Year 9 to provide them ideas on how they can engage and extend their child’s learning at home.
Year group / Department blogs are shared with parents to update the year group events.
Information on how parents can help their children at home in Literacy & Numeracy and curriculum outlines are also available on the school website and My Learning.
Parental Engagement in Learning activities are calendared events through out the year. Students teaching parents is very popular parent engagement event, evidenced with maximum participation.
The student planner is a key focus for parents and teachers to communicate with each other on a daily basis. Parents are welcome to discuss their child's progress at any time by making an appointment with the relevant member of staff.
There are three calendared parent consultation events in each academic year. Student reports highlight future targets to achieve.